
Your kervi application is configured via a configuration file. Kervi uses the following naming convention for configuration files [script name].config.json. If your kervi application is located in it will look for configuration in my_app.configuration.json.

Below you see an example of a configuration file created via cli. Lines that starts with # are ignored and default values used.

    "application" : {
        "name": "My application",
        "id": "my_app"
    "log" : {
        "resetLog": false
    "network" : {
        #"ip": "",
        #"http_port": 80,
        #"ws_port": 9000,
        #"ipc_root_port": 9500,
        #"ipc_root_address": ""

    "authorization": {
        "enabled": true,
        "users" : {
                "name": "",
                "email": "",
                "phone": ""

    "encryption" :{
        #"use_ssl": false,
        #"cert_file": "kervi.cert",
        #"key_file": "kervi.key"

    "messaging": {
        "default_channels": ["user_log"],

            "email": {
                "enabled": false,
                "smtp": {
                    "sender_name": "Kervi",
                    "sender_address": "",
                    #"server": "localhost",
                    #"port": "25",
                    #"user": "",
                    #"password": "",
                    #"tls": false

Default values are used if out commented or omitted from the file. You do not have to specify all values in a config file you just specify the ones that matters.

    "messaging": {
            "email": {
                "enabled": true,
                "smtp": {
                    "tls": true

Besides from config files you can specify config values when you instantiate your Application class.

from kervi.application import Application
APP = Application({
        "ip": ""

You are free to enter your own settings in the config file.

        "parameter_1": 1,
        "a_value": "value"

Accessing config values in code

You are able to access configuration values after you have instantiated your application.

from kervi.application import Application
APP = Application()

from kervi.config import Configuration

#get config value directly exception raised if not found
print("application name",

print("parameter_1", Configuration.my_config.parameter_1)

#get a value if set or return a default value
print("b_value", Configuration.my_config.get("b_value", "my default value")

for key in Configuration.my_config.keys:
    print(key, Configuration.my_config[key])